Focusing on these details is the easiest way to get nothing done. Imagine the last time you and your friend talked about finances or fitness. Did you go for a run afterward? Did you send money to your savings account? Of course not. (Location 149)
Just as you don’t have to be a certified nutritionist to lose weight or an automotive engineer to drive a car, you don’t have to know everything about personal finance to be rich. (Location 152)
Look at the actual data and you’ll see that an abundance of information can lead to decision paralysis, a fancy way of saying that with too much information, we do nothing. (Location 168)
The single most important factor to getting rich is getting started, not being the smartest person in the room. (Location 211)
So instead of saying, “How much money do I need to make?” you’ll say, “What do I want to do with my life—and how can I use money to do it?” (Location 232)
Think about it: 85 percent of the way is far better than 0 percent. Once your money system is good enough—or 85 percent of the way there—you can get on with your life and go do the things you really want to do. (Location 240)
My friend Jim once called to tell me that he’d gotten a raise at work. On the same day, he moved into a smaller apartment. Why? Because he doesn’t care very much about where he lives, but he loves spending money on camping and biking. That’s called conscious spending. (Location 258)
If you don’t consciously choose what rich means, it’s easy to end up mindlessly trying to keep up with your friends. (Location 278)
Your credit score (often called your FICO score because it was created by the Fair Isaac Corporation) is a single, easy-to-read number between 300 and 850 that represents your credit risk to lenders. (Location 352)
Once a year, by law, you’re allowed to obtain your credit report for free at It includes basic information about all your accounts and payment history. (Location 357)