Genetic endowments take many generations to evolve in response to novel environments, and they only do so when individuals with some DNA configurations reproduce much more than those with others. (Location 353)
most of the hunter-gatherers had nearly perfect dental health. Apparently, orthodontists and dentists were rarely necessary in the Stone Age. (Location 451)
Instead of mostly chewing tough meat, people began to consume cooked rice and other foods and to reduce tougher food to small pieces on their plate. (Location 537)
why our distant ancestors, with their chipped or decaying teeth giving them fits, didn’t get elongated faces, crooked teeth, and narrow airways? The answer apparently lies in their coarse diet that required lots of chewing. (Location 640)
The same lack of opportunity is suffered by children of parents who cut meat and other chewable food into tiny pieces because they are afraid their kids might choke. (Location 670)
9 The basic conclusion, we repeat, is clear—the tougher the food, the more you chew; the more you chew (especially when young), the more normal (and spacious) your jaws are. (Location 692)
When you are next at the mall, at the game, at any large gathering, look around you and notice the mouth breathing and look at the faces, chins, teeth that go with it, (Location 733)
Breathing through your mouth effectively changes your mouth from a chewing device to a breathing device. (Location 736)
by moving indoors, increasing the odds that your breath will largely bypass your nasal environment. (Location 753)
The bottom line is that sucking activities that do not provide milk—pacifiers, fingers, and so on, create malocclusion. (Location 1048)
Always chew with lips together and always begin your swallow with teeth of upper and lower jaws touching. Consciously pause for at least a 2 seconds before starting the swallow. Focus on the pause. (Location 1766)
Reading-Out-Loud Exercise: Speaking with good punctuation is an excellent practical application of nasal-only breathing. Take 5 to 20 minutes each day to read aloud, pausing at each comma and full stop in the sentence to close your mouth and breathe “in” only through your nose. (Location 1773)
There is a gum called Mastic developed on the small Greek island of Chios. It is a natural resin from the local Mastiha plant (Location 1798)
This 11-year-old girl began practicing GOPex exercises (Location 1803)
Chew a minimum of 30 minutes a day. (Location 1809)
There has been some research on the use of Homeoblock, DNA, Oasys, and Biobloc appliances by adults; (Location 1826)
If you notice your child’s teeth crowding, go to an orthodontist early, preferably someone who practices “orthotropics” (forwardontics). (Location 1866)
Here is a rundown of the essentials of the profession of orthodontics and two of its branches, dental orthopedics and forwardontics and the treatments each specializes in, and how each may or may not play a positive role in the oral-facial epidemic. (Location 2020)
A small group of orthodontists, the dental orthopedists, along with some pediatric dentists are oriented to treat younger children starting around the age of four or five. (Location 2065)
Twin Block and Herbst, two of the most popular orthopedic appliances, set up a slack-jawed child to correct the underdeveloped lower jaw. (Location 2076)
Forwardontics (also frequently called Biobloc or facial orthotropics), in contrast to the remainder of orthodontics, focuses on the face and the causes of malocclusion. (Location 2098)
Thus its shape and the direction that teeth can be gradually moved through it can be changed, This flexibility, the point that bone is not cast like concrete, is the basic fact behind both orthodontics and forwardontics (Location 2131)
This flexibility, the point that bone is not cast like concrete, is the basic fact behind both orthodontics and forwardontics. (Location 2132)
This experiment showed, above all, that genes are not destiny—individuals with identical genes became different in different treatment environments. (Location 2163)
Baby teeth should have spaces between them to accommodate the permanent teeth without crowding later. (Location 2187)
Another important tool of forwardontics is the GOPex set of exercises (Location 2189)
Adult Forwardontics (Location 2204)
There is a pioneering field of adult forwardontics in which adults are fitted with the same type of appliances that kids are given with some good initial results being reported. (Location 2205)
Both look like orthodontic retainers and are worn only at night. The Homeoblock (similar to the much-used DNA appliance)26 and the oral-nasal airway system (OASYS) direct tooth movement to widen the dental arch and advances the lower jaw, (Location 2207)
If forwardontic ideas took hold, day care and kindergarten teachers, in support both of practitioners and families, could be enlisted to dedicate some time to GOPex eating, counting, and reading. (Location 2424)