Many of us seek the generative, affirming, and empowering father (though most of us don’t know it), the father who, for most of us, never existed (Location 206)
Jungians have found that in every man there is a feminine subpersonality called the Anima, made up of the feminine archetypes. And in every woman there is a masculine subpersonality called the Animus, made up of the masculine archetypes. (Location 241)
the adult man does not lose his boyishness, and the archetypes that form boyhood’s foundation do not go away. Since archetypes cannot disappear, the mature man transcends the masculine powers of boyhood, building upon them rather than demolishing them. (Location 282)
Characteristics of the High Chair Tyrant include arrogance (what the Greeks called hubris, or overweening pride), childishness (in the negative sense), and irresponsibility, even to himself as a mortal infant who has to meet his biological and psychological needs. (Location 359)
the Weakling Prince appears to have very little personality, no enthusiasm for life, and very little initiative. This is the boy who needs to be coddled, who dictates to those around him (Location 387)
The Precocious Child manifests in a boy when he is eager to learn, when his mind is quickened, when he wants to share what he is learning with others. (Location 424)
The Know-It-All Trickster is, as the name implies, that immature masculine energy that plays tricks, of a more or less serious nature, in one’s own life and on others. (Location 442)
Oedipal Child is a powerful archetypal influence may be deficient in his experience of the nurturing masculine, (Location 531)
The “death” of the Hero is the “death” of boyhood, of Boy psychology. And it is the birth of manhood and Man psychology. (Location 657)
The “death” of the Hero in the life of a boy (or a man) really means that he has finally encountered his limitations. He has met the enemy, and the enemy is himself. He has met his own dark side, his very unheroic side. (Location 658)
The four major forms of the mature masculine energies that we have identified are the King, the Warrior, the Magician, and the Lover. (Location 681)
The King energy is primal in all men. It bears the same relationship to the other three mature masculine potentials as the Divine Child does to the other three immature masculine energies. (Location 722)
the King archetype comes close to being God in his masculine form within every man. (Location 727)
The mortal man who incarnates the King energy or bears it for a while in the service of his fellow human beings, (Location 734)
the King is, in fact, what he calls “the central archetype,” around which the rest of the psyche is organized. (Location 776)
Warrior energy to take decisive action. This means that he engages life. He never withdraws from it. He doesn’t “think too much,” because thinking too much can lead to doubt, and doubt to hesitation, and hesitation to inaction. Inaction can lead to losing the battle. (Location 1228)
The Magician energy is the archetype of awareness and of insight, primarily, but also of knowledge of anything that is not immediately apparent or commonsensical. (Location 1602)
The Magician, then, is the archetype of thoughtfulness and reflection. And, because of that, it is also the energy of introversion. (Location 1630)
Whenever we are detached, unrelated, and withholding when what we know could help others, whenever we use our knowledge as a weapon to belittle and control others or to bolster our status or wealth at others’ expense, we are identified with the Shadow Magician as Manipulator. (Location 1709)
We believe that the Lover, by whatever name, is the primal energy pattern of what we could call vividness, aliveness, and passion. (Location 1795)
The Lover is the archetype of play and of “display,” of healthy embodiment, of being in the world of sensuous pleasure and in one’s own body without shame. (Location 1805)
This boy was, in our view, accessing the Lover in a powerful way. He was instinctively empathizing with the world of things around him. Perhaps he was really feeling, as he believed he was, the actual experiences of those things. (Location 1819)
The Lover energy is thus utterly opposed—at least at first glance—to the other energies of the mature masculine. His interests are the opposite of the Warrior’s, the Magician’s, and the King’s concerns for boundaries, containment, order, and discipline. What is true within each man’s psyche is true in the panorama of history and cultures as well. (Location 1878)
he had felt the presence of “God” as an exotic, sensuous Being, one who enjoyed the love-making right along with him. This was a revelation to him, and he began to access, with great benefit to himself and his sexual partners, the mature masculine energies of the Lover. (Location 1930)
Any artistic or creative endeavor and almost every profession, from farming to stockbroking, from house painting to computer software designing, is drawing upon the energies of the Lover for creativity. (Location 1947)