
Dorogi Dávid

Recession Proof Graduate

Közzétéve 2024. 08.

And then you remember: You have friends! Yes, your group of friends (i.e. your network) is one of the quickest and easiest routes for landing a job. In fact, this is the best strategy for getting a job with the least amount of effort on your part. (Location 108)

Have you ever downloaded a free app that prompted you to upgrade to the paid version? Maybe you got to use it a few times, or you could only complete a certain number of levels, and then your free trial abruptly came to an end. The app stopped functioning and told you it was time to pay up. (Location 245)


Most graduates assume they deserve a big paycheck simply because they have a college degree. (Location 311)

Knowing how to create a document, format a PowerPoint, or organize a spreadsheet are not things you can brag about – those are things every employer expects, like knowing how to pronounce your own name, or remaining continent during office hours. (Location 354)

You need to have actual skills that are both in high demand (in your desired industry) and difficult to learn. You’ll be extremely valuable if your skill is both scarce and in high demand. (Location 356)

Think in terms of what skills your desired industry values, and then start your learning. (Location 366)

Note: Ask around what is useful fe in a coach?

But first, you have to give yourself permission to get started, to have the courage to put yourself out there and share what you’re working on. (Location 421)

Note: Start to blog!!

Even if you have a boring day job, you can earn extra income on the side by using your skills and resources. For me, I offered entrepreneurs and companies online marketing consulting, web design work, and freelance video/audio editing. You can offer any service people need: babysitting, cooking healthy meals, fitness training, or dog walking. Here are a few more options to consider: (Location 477)

Gumroad ( Sell any digital product you’ve created in seconds. (Location 483)

Doing free work will be tough on your bank account for a brief period, but you’ll make huge financial gains in the future while simultaneously advancing your career in the direction you want it to go. (Location 496)

But before you reach out, you need to do a ton of research on them. (Location 555)

next two weeks. If you don’t like my work, you can scrap (Location 603)

If you really want to get involved with a unique and meaningful business, Kickstarter is a great place to start. (Location 644)

Before you set up a long-term deal, you ought to set a tentative deadline for when the „free work” transitions to „paid work.” If six weeks is your limit, (Location 648)


SCENARIO: They suggest you work for free. (Location 673)

SCENARIO: They say it’s “great exposure.” (Location 677)

SCENARIO: They aggressively try to sell you on this “amazing opportunity.” (Location 681)

SCENARIO: You’re fairly certain you will gain nothing positive from the arrangement. (Location 684)

SCENARIO: You strongly suspect your client will never be able to pay you. (Location 687)

SCENARIO: Your client says they’d rather pay you “a little money” than have you work for free. (Location 690)

Sometimes your client will try to change your free work offer to a low paid arrangement. This is a really bad idea. It’s far better for everyone if you work for FREE (at least in the 75 beginning), rather than cheap. (Location 691)

SCENARIO: You suspect the work is going to be a nightmare. (Location 698)