
Dorogi Dávid

Replay by Ken Grimwood

Közzétéve 2024. 08.

the smell of hot red flowers. A decent (Location 21)

Studebaker Avanti by the curb, gleaming in the lights of the Tucumcari (Location 586)

of course, other kinds of bets, under more genteel (Location 843)

broken life he fully understood Lear’s lament over Cordelia: (Location 1352)

her (Location 1697)

me—to us. Time warps, black holes, God gone berserk (Location 2469)

sausages would be great, Mom. And maybe some grits?” (Location 2685)

jigsaw I puzzle of a monarch butterfly. Plush, dark (Location 3230)

appeasement that gets them upset.” He sighed, looked searchingly (Location 3299)

apparently had been assigned to them as a permanent liaison. (Location 3848)

“You must be very proud of her,” Jeff said, sidestepping (Location 4278)

tow plane, judging the level of his wings by the horizon (Location 4466)