The Minimum Effective Dose The minimum effective dose (MED) is defined simply: the smallest dose that will produce a desired outcome. (Location 466)
Want to look like a marathon runner, thin and sleek? Train like a marathoner. Want to look like a sprinter, ripped and muscular? Train like a sprinter. (Location 612)
Example: if the claim is that a no-meat diet extends average lifespan 5–15%, is it possible that it is the presence of more vegetables, not the absence of meat, that extends lifespan? It most certainly is. (Location 618)
Of course not. Rule #2: The hormonal responses to carbohydrates (CHO), protein, and fat are different. There is no shortage of clinical studies to prove that beef calories7 do not equal bourbon calories. (Location 709)
Don’t fall victim to sexism in exercise. It’s almost always a fraud or a sales pitch. (Location 737)
Protein, for one, provokes a greater thermic effect of food (TEF) than either carbohydrate or fat —in simple terms, in digestion a higher percentage of protein calories are “lost” as heat vs. carbohydrates or fat. This has led some scientists to suggest that the 4 calories per gram assumed for protein should be downgraded 20% to 3.2 calories per gram. (Location 754)
Consistent tracking, even if you have no knowledge of fat-loss or exercise, will often beat advice from world-class trainers. (Location 774)
If you are very overweight, very weak, very inflexible, or very anything negative, tracking even a mediocre variable will help you develop awareness that leads to the right behavioral changes. (Location 794)
“The number-one realization that led me to be able to keep doing it and make the right decisions was to use data. (Location 837)
Take your “before” circumference measurements. Get a simple tape measure and measure four locations: both upper arms (mid-bicep), waist (horizontal at navel), hips (at widest point below waist), and both legs (mid-thigh). Total these numbers to arrive at your Total Inches (Location 1030)
2005: Swing minimalism. My weekly training schedule was so light as to be laughable by conventional standards. I also took 10–20-minute ice baths (two bags of ice bought at a gas station) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. (Location 2992)
DAY 1 (MONDAY) • High-rep kettlebell (53 pounds) swings to at least 75 reps (ultimately, I got to 150+ reps in a single set) • Slow myotatic crunch (next chapter) with max weight x 10–15 slow reps (Location 2994)
• Keep your shoulders pulled back (retracted) and down to avoid rounding your back. • The lowering movement (backswing) is a sitting-back-on-a-chair movement, not a squatting-down movement. • Do not let your shoulders go in front of your knees at any point. • Imagine pinching a penny between your butt cheeks when you pop your hips forward. This should be a forceful pop, and it should be impossible to contract your ass more. If your dog’s head gets in the way, it should be lights out for Fido. (Location 3013)
One set: 50 kettlebell swings (For you: start with a weight that (Location 3038)
See the for photos of all The Kiwi’s exercises.6 Written descriptions alone will confuse more than help. (Location 3121)
The Concise Book of Muscles by Chris Jarmey ( World-class strength coach (Location 3460)
Charles Poliquin introduced me to this outstanding book. It is the best anatomy book for nonmedical students that I’ve ever seen, and I’ve looked at them all. Get (Location 3464)
will make one recommendation: use the “locked position” to protect your shoulders in all weight-bearing exercises, whether the kettlebell swing, the bench press, the deadlift, or other. (Location 3579)
The “locked position.” Marie has pulled her shoulder blades back and pushed them down toward her hips 1–2 inches. (Location 3582)
Barbell Overhead Press The elbows are kept in front of the shoulders and do not flare outward. The bar travels in front of the face, but the head and upper torso move forward to be under the bar once it passes (Location 3603)
THE PRECONDITION: WOMEN NEED TO STEP UP TO THE STARTING LINE FIRST “No man can give you an orgasm. He can only help you do it yourself.” (Location 4114)
Improved-Angle Missionary (Location 4144)
They conform equally well to female buttocks, while keeping them a perfect six or so inches off the bed. The man then moves his hips as close as possible to the woman’s hips while keeping his heels under his buttocks. He should be sitting Japanese-style, sitting on heels with knees spread as wide as is comfortable. The lower he keeps his hips, the better the angle to hit the g-spot (Location 4147)
To accomplish this position, the male must shift his weight forward a few inches. First, he must straighten his legs (bringing them closer together makes this easier) so the knees are off of the bed. Then he’ll support more weight on her pelvis (the entire purpose) and his arms. This changes the angle of penetration so that the focal point of friction is no longer the head of the penis against the vaginal wall, but rather the man’s pelvic bone on the woman’s clitoris. (Location 4159)
Improved-Pressure Cowgirl Position (Location 4173)
Improved-pressure cowgirl puts the woman on top and re-creates the same penile position as in improved-pressure missionary. The man should not be flat on his back, nor should he be sitting straight up. He should be leaning back about 20 degrees. This can be accomplished with pillows on a bed or, ideally, on an armless chair with (Location 4174)
I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide ( This book, (Location 4203)
you might want to skip this chapter. For real. It’s vajayjay (Location 4221)
The Practice and How-To: The 15-Minute Orgasm (Location 4309)
The technique requires 15 minutes of 100% concentration on approximately three square millimeters of contact. Nothing more. (Location 4313)
EXPLAIN TO YOUR PARTNER THAT IT IS A GOALLESS PRACTICE. This is 100% critical. (Location 4316)
First, the woman disrobes from the waist down and lies on her back using a pillow for neck support. Her legs are bent and spread, feet together in butterfly position. (Location 4323)
Based on the premise that it is easier to achieve the proper angle of contact with the left hand, the man should sit to her right side on top of at least two pillows and straddle his bent left leg perpendicularly across her torso, foot flat on the opposite side. Add as many pillows as necessary to relieve any pressure from his left leg on her abdomen. Too many is better than too few. His right leg is straight or relaxed in butterfly position. (Location 4326)
it’s important to tilt your right wrist toward you slightly as if you were looking at a watch. This creates a better finger angle. (Location 4331)
urethral orifice; 4. vaginal opening (introitus); 5. labia minora; (Location 4341)
Separate the labia (Location 4343)
Retract the clitoral hood upward with the heel of the palm. (Location 4344)
Put your left hand under her buttocks, two fingers under each cheek, with the thumb resting on (not in) the base of the entrance to the vagina (ring of introitus). This will act as an anchor and help the woman to relax. (Location 4346)
The tip of the finger is better (Location 4352)
Stroke like a metronome at a constant speed for periods of two to three minutes, but feel free to change speed between periods. (Location 4355)
“Ground” at the end. Once the 15 minutes have elapsed, “grounding” is performed to (ostensibly) ease the woman out of the experience. (Location 4362)
Suggestions for a Successful Beginner’s Session (Location 4373)
Light contact. Remember: two pages of paper as depth of pressure. (Location 4374)
Consider using a blindfold or airline eye mask on the woman. I’ve found it makes them less self-conscious and increases tactile sensitivity. (Location 4377)
She doesn’t need to moan and groan. It’s about subtle sensation and nothing extra. (Location 4380)
Make it fun and even call it an “experiment.” (Location 4381)
she’s experiencing strong contractions which will clearly exhaust her before 15 minutes are up, encourage her to breathe and push out slightly as if she were going to pee. (Location 4386)
“Are you enjoying this?” almost guarantees lying. Asking questions is encouraged, but use directional questions instead: “Would you like a lighter or stronger stroke?” “More to your left or right?” “Higher or lower?” (Location 4394)
TOOLS AND TRICKS The Illustrated Guide to Extended Massive Orgasm by Steve and Vera Bodansky (Location 4454)
PROTOCOL #1: LONG-TERM AND SUSTAINED Fermented cod liver oil + vitamin-rich butter fat—2 capsules upon waking and before bed Vitamin D3—3,000–5,000 IU upon waking and before bed (6,000– 10,000 IU per day), until you reach blood levels of 55 ng/mL. Short ice baths and/or cold showers—10 minutes each, upon waking and right before bed Brazil nuts—3 nuts upon waking, 3 nuts before bed (see important (Location 4571)
PROTOCOL #2: SHORT-TERM AND FUN “NITRO BOOST” 20–24 Hours Prior to Sex Eat at least 800 milligrams of cholesterol (example: four or more large whole eggs or egg yolks) (Location 4576)
Four Hours Prior to Sex 4 Brazil nuts 20 raw almonds 2 capsules of the above-mentioned fermented cod/butter combination Sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is the party spoiler. (Location 4581)
See SpectraCell in the resources, as well as the explanation in “Sex Machine II.” (Location 4685)
“None of that matters. I could get you to a half marathon in eight weeks. That’s assuming you have a baseline and can run a 5K in less than 24 minutes [3.1 miles at 8 minutes per mile or less].” (Location 6488)
So You Want to be a Runner? Let’s Try 400-Meter Repeats (Location 6526)
STRENGTHENING THE FEET AND ANKLES Jog barefoot on grass for 30 minutes, three times per week. (Location 6624)
How the hell can you run on ice? According to Romanov, by applying the same principles you should use on dry ground: 1. Use gravity (via forward lean) for forward motion instead of push-off and muscular effort. 2. Land on the balls of the feet and aim to have the feet land under your center of gravity instead of in front of you. 3. Never fully straighten your legs. Keep a slight bend in your legs at all times to prevent push-off. 4. Pull each foot off the ground and towards your buttocks (rather than pushing off) using the hamstrings as soon as it passes under your center of gravity. 5. Maintain at least a 180 step per minute rate, which means at least 90 steps per minute with each leg. This will use muscle elasticity to your advantage. (Location 6637)
Brian suggests training tempo using a Seiko DM50L Metronome, and I found it easiest to use 90 beats per minute for one leg and count when that heel was highest (near the buttocks) as opposed to tapping the ground. (Location 6646)
Brian explains running as a four-step process: lean, fall, catch, and pull. (Location 6649)
The 12-week program is based on my following stats, which he requested: 400m times, with 90 seconds of rest between: 1:20, 1:30, 1:34, and 1:39. Military press with barbell: 145 lbs. × 4 reps. 1-repetition max deadlift (DL): 450 lbs. CrossFit (CF) routines for comparison: I didn’t have this, so I indicated I could do 50 shoulder-level swings with a 40kg kettlebell. 5K time and back squat poundages: I had neither, the latter due to shoulder surgery in 2004. I asked him to include front squatting if squatting were required. (Location 6781)
What type of shoes should I wear? I suggest the Inov-8 X-Talon 212 or Inov-8 F-Lite 230 for trail running. For asphalt and other hard surfaces, I suggest the Inov-8 F-Lite 220, but the F-Lite 230 can be used as well. (Location 6806)
Don’t fall for the barefoot myth, either. There is a misguided belief that you can go barefoot and immediately fix all of your problems. If you have been wearing shoes with heels for years and start barefoot running with no transition, expect problems with your Achilles tendons. (Location 6809)
Aim to be as quiet as possible. (Location 6825)
Do you take anything in particular post-workout? This time window is a paleo exception. I consume GENr8 Vitargo S2, a carbohydrate supplement, which allows me to replenish glycogen faster than any other product I’ve used. (Location 6837)
Changes that were thought to require hours per week were achieved with just four to seven 30-second bursts of all-out (250% VO2 Max) stationary biking, with four minutes of recovery time between bursts. (Location 6901)
The training protocol for Allyson Felix in 2003 consisted of the following, three times per week: 1. Dynamic stretching before each session (“over-unders,” detailed later). 2. One of the following, five minutes rest between sets: a. Bench press:1 2–3 sets of 2–3 reps or b. Push-ups: 10–12 reps2 3. Conventional deadlift to knees, 2–3 sets of 2–3 reps at 85–95% of 1-repetition max (1RM). Bar does NOT go higher than the knee and is dropped from that height rather than returned to the ground (Location 7015)
Core exercise, 3–5 sets of 3–5 reps (isometric holds) 5. Static stretching (Location 7026)
This strength training protocol allows running immediately after strength training, 6 eliminating the need for a time-consuming split training. No lifts are done to failure. (Location 7050)
If you’d like to increase the removal of pesticides and other environmental toxins normally stored in fat, you can do two things: schedule to donate a double portion of plasma, and drink a cup of caffeinated coffee about 60 minutes before going to the center. Donated blood (Location 8010)
Alcor ( Perhaps you’d like to store your body in ice-free cryosuspension at the first sign of terminal illness, just in case technology catches up? There’s nowhere better than Alcor in Scottsdale, Arizona, where gems such as Ted Williams’s head are allegedly stored. (Location 8029)
Corrective action #1: I began to consume three Brazil nuts at breakfast and three Brazil nuts at bedtime. Too much selenium hurts swimmies, so I kept well within the tolerable upper limit for adults, which is 400 micrograms per day. One ounce of Brazil nuts (approximately 11 nuts) (Location 8896)
One ounce (30 almonds) gives you approximately 40% of your daily value (DV). I consume both raw almonds and organic almond butter to reach no more than 150% DV, often having two heaping tablespoons of the latter on celery stalks with breakfast. Like most things, too much vitamin E is as bad as too little. Rock it (Location 8921)